Self-driving cars, selfie sticks, drones, touchscreen devices, e-cigarettes, jetpacks, and many other things seem like fairly modern inventions. Indeed, most of their inventors list them as newly invented and even go as far as seeking patents. But the fact is, many of these inventions have already been in existence for quite some time. They may have earlier lookalikes that ended up not going into production or that went into limited production due to one reason or another. Some also made it into full production but were recalled due to poor sales.自动驾驶汽车,自拍杆,无人驾驶飞机,触屏设备,电子香烟,喷气背包和许多其他看上去像现代的发明者的东西,只不过都是杨家发明者。大部分的发明者把它们当作新发明,甚至去申请专利。
10.Selfie Sticks10.自拍杆The first selfie stick was invented long before the first handheld mobile device was made. A selfie stick was definitely invented by the Japanese man Hiroshi Ueda in the 1980s. A photographer and worker at the Minolta camera company, Hiroshi made the selfie stick because he and his wife were unable to take pictures of themselves during a trip to Europe. (When he asked a boy to take pictures of them, the boy ran off with the camera.)在第一部携带型移动设备发明者之前,自拍杆早已问世。自拍杆只不过是由一个日本男人上田宏在20世纪80年代发明者的。上田宏是美能达照相机公司的摄影师,他发明者这个自拍杆,是因为他和妻子在欧洲旅行时无法自拍电影合影。(当时,他叫一个男孩老大他们照片,那个男孩却拿着照相机跑完了。
)Frustrated, he invented something that would allow him take a picture of himself: He called it the extender stick. Since the iPhone really hadnt been invented yet, a small camera was to be attached to one end of the stick. It also had a small mirror in its front so that users could see how they would look in the photograph. He patented the extender stick in 1983. The product was mass produced for sale but it was a commercial failure. The quality of the pictures was low. Besides, previous research showed that the women back then were embarrassed by the idea of taking pictures of themselves. The selfie stick was then reinvented by Wayne Fromm in the year 2000, three years before Hiroshis patent expired. Fromm called his the quik pod. He believes he is the inventor of todays selfie sticks and has even sued several other selfie stick producers. When asked about Hiroshis selfie sticks, he said they were prior art.万分失望之下,他发明者了可以容许自拍的东西:他称作前端杆。因为智能手机还没有发明者出来,所以,相连在自拍杆末端的是一个微型照相机。在杆的前端有一面小镜子,便利使用者调整他们在照相机里的姿态。
在2000年,自拍杆被韦恩·弗洛姆(Wayne Fromm)新的发明者,那时,上田宏的前端杆专利期另有三年。弗洛姆称之为他的自拍杆为快捷豆荚。他指出他才是当今自拍杆的发明者,甚至控告其他自拍杆生产者。
当被问及上田宏的自拍杆时,弗洛姆评论说道它们是先前的艺术。9.Touchscreens9.触屏In 2007, Apple released the first iPhone: a full touchscreen phone, complete with its own virtual keypad. To many, Apple had done something new, something never seen before. They had made the first touchscreen phone. But this was incorrect: Apple did not make the first touchscreen phone, nor was the touchscreen a new invention.在2007年,苹果公司公布了第一款iPhone手机:具有虚拟世界键盘的全触屏手机。对很多人来说,苹果获得了新的突破,发明者了新事物--他们生产了第一款触屏手机。
但这种众说纷纭是错误的:苹果不是第一个生产触屏手机的公司,触屏也不是什么新发明。To start with, a year before the first iPhone was released, LG had introduced a full touchscreen phone. Even that was not the first, though. The worlds first touchscreen phone was IBMs Simon, which was released in 1992. And touchscreen technology even predates the Simon. The first touchscreen device was a tablet made by E.A. Johnson in 1965 that was used by air traffic controllers until 1995. Bent Stumpe and Frank Beck made the first capacitive touchscreen in the early 70s. Unlike Johnsons tablet, it could not be pressed with the fingers. Instead, it required a stylus. In 1971, Samuel Hurst developed the first resistive touchscreen, which he called the elograph. It responded to the fingers as well as a stylus. In 1985, HP invented the worlds first touchscreen computer, called the HP-150. In 1993, Apple also released its first touchscreen device—the Newton Personal Digital Assistant. The product was a flop, recording low sales.只不过,在第一部iPhone手机公布的前一年,LG集团早已发售了全触屏手机。
虽然那也不是第一台触屏手机。1992年,世界上第一台触屏手机IBM Simon公布。而触屏技术在西蒙之前早已经常出现。1965年,E·A·约翰逊发明者了第一个触屏设备——平板电脑,累计到1995年,仍然由空中交通管制员用于。
本特·斯顿普和弗兰克·贝克(Frank Beck)在20世纪70年代早期发明者了电容式触屏,与约翰逊所发明者触屏有所不同的是,它无法用手指操作者,而是必须用于触控笔。在1971年,山姆·赫斯特发明者了第一台电阻式触屏,他称作电子图表。手指和触控笔都可以对它展开操作者。
8.Wheel Skates8.韵律体操Wheel skates look somewhat like regular inline skates, except that the wheels are much larger, up to the size of bicycle tires. They are seen as a cross between an inline skate, a ski, and a bike. Recently, a company called Chariot Skates said they had come up with something unique—the Chariot wheel skates. According to the company, wheel skates are revolutionary new skating products. Revolutionary? They do at least revolve. New? No. The first wheel skate was made more than 142 years ago.韵律体操看上去类似于常规的单排轮滑鞋,不过韵律体操的轮十分大,尺寸大小跟自行车车轮差不多,看上去看起来溜冰鞋,滑雪板和自行车的合体。最近一家名字叫做战车溜冰的公司声称,他们早已有了一些独有的点子——战车韵律体操。
这是发明者吗?不是的。第一双轮湿早在142年前就已不存在。It even featured in the March 19, 1870, issue of Scientific American magazine. Made by Thomas Luders from Olney, Illinois, and called a pedespeed, the wheels then were much smaller, measuring around 36 centimeters (15 in) in diameter. Luders also said the skates could be used by anybody, irrespective of their physique. He himself was a large, heavy man, and he claimed he could use them for two straight hours without getting tired. Another version of wheel skates, appearing in 1923, had its tires on the inside of the foot rather than outside. (Other than the size of the wheels, the main improvement made by Chariot Skates is the small tire at the back of the bigger tire for increased stability.)1870年3月19号,韵律体操攀上杂志《科学美国人》。
)7.Drones7.无人机The first drone can be traced back to 1916 when British inventor Archibald Low designed and flew the first unmanned radio-controlled vehicle. The drone was made to counterattack German Zeppelin airships, and it also carried out ground attacks during World War I. It was made with wood and tin, its wings taken from the lower wing of another biplane. Overall, the drone was somewhat unsuccessful because the noise from its engine interfered with its radio. The Sopwith Aircraft Company also tried making a drone in 1916. They placed the radio equipment at the tail so that the engine would not interfere with its signal, but their drone never flew as it was damaged in an accident on the ground. Low would try flying his drone again in 1917 when he flew it in front of some senior military officers. It was launched from the back of a lorry and flew for some time before crashing due to engine failure, almost killing the military officers present.第一架无线电操控的无人驾驶飞机可追溯到1916年。英国发明家阿奇博尔德·洛设计并首飞了第一架无人遥控飞机。它是为了反攻德国楚柏林飞艇而制作的,在第一次世界大战中参予了对地面反击的战斗。
但因一次地面上的意外事故,他们的无人机再未降落:当洛操作者无人机飞到高级军官面前时,他原本计划不会在1917年再度首飞无人机。但无人机从卡车的后面升空后,飞来了一段时间之后因引擎故障而失事,差点要了到场的军官的命。6.Head-Mounted Computer Displays6.头戴式电脑经常出现In 2012, Google introduced Google Glass, a computer you can wear on your face. Someone wearing the glasses can be walking down the street or doing any everyday task while simultaneously seeing an overlay of calendar appointments, messages, and subway alerts. They can make video calls and even upload live videos to the Internet while on the move, without ever needing to use their hands. Google Glass might be cool, it might be new, it might be revolutionary, but its definitely not the first pair of wearable computer glasses.2012年,谷歌发明者了谷歌眼镜,一台你能戴着在你脸上的电脑。
The first wearable computer glasses were made by Edward Thorp and Claude Shannon in 1961. In 1968, Ivan Sutherland made the Sword of Damocles. It was the first head-mounted computer display and an early variant of all wearable computer glasses we have today. In 1980, Steve Mann, known today as the father of wearable computing, made the WearComp, a pair of tech-enhanced glasses that was capable of communicating wirelessly with other computers and could share videos. He continued to work on the glasses over the years, and by 1999, he had come up with a pair of glasses that looked like Google Glass, or rather, that Google Glass looks like. He called it the EyeTap.1961年,爱德华·索普和克劳德·香农联合研制出第一副可配戴的电脑眼镜。1968年,伊凡·苏泽兰生产出有了达摩克里斯的利剑。这是第一台头戴式电脑,也是今天我们所有头戴式电脑的鼻祖。